Well, not really, unless you consider BASIC a bug.
Yeah and stuff, this is my first working program that was made with CodeWarrior.
GetColor is a simple FKEY that when ran, gives you an eyedropper that you can use to pick up any color on your screen. After you click, you see the Apple Color Picker, if you press OK, the RGB values are placed into the clipboard, if you press Cancel, the clipboard is untouched.
I originally made GetColor so that I could get RGB values for programming with Quickdraw, but there are many other uses. What works really great is GetColor and Jason Johnston's HexClip. HexClip is a small application that will convert the numbers GetColor puts into the clipboard into Hex values that fit nicely into HTML documents. HexClip is at my web page, as well as Jason Johnston's and many ftp sites.
If you have system 7.1 or newer just put the GetColor file (it really is a font suitcase) into your font folder. The system uses the cursor and FKEY as if they were in the system suitcase. This works for some reason that I’m not sure of, but it is really nice for sounds and FKEYs because you don’t have to reinstall them if you have to reinstall your system. If you don’t have system 7.1 or newer you will have to put the FKEY and cursor into the system suitcase by some other method. ResEdit is what I use and FKEY Mover should work, but I haven’t tried it. Also, if you have a program that will run FKEYs (like OtherMenu), you will need to change the type of the file to FKEY.
GetColor is set to number 5, but you can change this with
If you want to tell me of bugs, give me something (eventhough this is freeware), or see what else I've done, I'm at the following places:
My address is:
Mike Tilstra
RR 2 Box 162A
Luverne, MN 56156
Version History
1.0.0 First Release
1.0.1 Had some troubles with placement of the window in 7.5. Should now auto center the window in the screen.
1.1.0 The RGB values are now placed on to the clipboard, unless Cancel is clicked.
1.2.0 Now use a Toolbox call instead of a homemade function for converting numbers, saved about 72 bytes.
1.2.1 Now written in C instead of BASIC. Also, I took out the sound, it was bugging me and I didn't feel like figuring out how to do that in C. Just a note: GetColor is now 3274 bytes smaller, so I added an icon. Which just about evens it out with the old one.
1.2.2 Put the sound back in, wasn't nearly as difficult as I thought it would be. Although it still bugs me, and if you want to change it, it must keep the id of 1111. I haven't got it to find the sound by name yet.
1.2.3 Sound is now loaded by name. This means that which ever sound in the System with the name "GetColor" will be played. Also fixed a bug that mussed up the stuff in the clipboard, that I'm not sure what caused it, but it is fixed.
1.2.4 I had the type and creator of the file in version 1.2.3 mixed up, have them correct this time. I'm having a heck of a time figuring out what is going on with the prompt sting in the getcolor dialog box. It should read "GetColor by Mike Tilstra", but is seems to refuse to do that.
There are no known bugs. But that desn't say much.